Event Types and Actions




At a SecurSpace yard, the GMS will fill in the information in the event such as the driver’s information, details about the container, as well as details about the truck. This information can be used in a variety of ways; it can help keep track of inventory on the yard, or simply to track the time from when the drive left the departure facility to the time that he got on to the destination yard.

When a shipment is complete and equipment comes in or out of a SecurSpace yard it will publish an INTERCHANGE_PROCESSED event.

That event looks like this:

 "type": "securspace.gate.interchange_processed",
 "payload": {
     "location": {
         "name": "Yard_1",
         "streetAddress1": "1 Fine Arts Dr",
         "city": "St. Louis",
         "state": "MO",
         "zipCode": "63110"
     "truck": {
         "licensePlate": "W45H125",
         "axles": 6,
         "length": 10,
         "weight": 1200,
         "width": 10,
         "owned": true
     "container": {
         "length": 10,
         "weight": 1200,
         "width": 10,
         "owned": true,
         "sealNumber": "WED122",
         "containerNumber": "333212"
     "gateType": "IN",
     "driver": {
         "licenseNumber": "W123456789",
         "firstName": "Bob",
         "lastName": "Driver",
         "email": "bobDriver@test.com",
         "status": "ACTIVE"
     "chassis": {
         "length": 10,
         "width": 10,
         "owned": true,
         "axles": 6,
         "licensePlate": "123ABC"
     "operator": "Bob"
 "origin": "ORIGIN_HERE",
 "tmsId": "TMS_ID_HERE",
 "orgId": "OrgIdHere"